+44 (0)7810 837378 garethstrain@p2bgroup.com

About Us

Experienced Commercial Electricity Procurement Consultants

Who We Are

gareth-strain-electricity-procurementPower 2 Business is owned by Gareth Strain who has many years experience working in the Electricity Procurement industry. Gareth worked in commercial sales for SSE Airtricity for 10 years in Ireland during which time he gained extensive knowledge of the supply business from both a suppliers and customers perspective. He identified a gap in the market when it became apparent that suppliers were not always primarily working in customers interests and different prices were being charged to different customer types.

Gareth could see the experience and knowledge he had would be beneficial to customers as having someone with his experience working on their behalf would both save them time and money. From this P2B was established in 2011 and has grown to become one of the leading energy procurement consultancies in Ireland.

07810 837378


What to Expect from Us


Openness & Honesty

P2B are always open and honest. We are direct when answering questions, even if it’s answers you may not wish to hear!


Customer Focused

P2B work on our clients interests and every part of our business is viewed from a customer perspective to ensure we deliver that which our clients really want.



P2B carryout all their activities in a professional ethical way. We are respected by our clients and energy suppliers equally as one of the leading energy procurement consultants and this respect means we are continually asked our opinion on matters relating to energy supply.



Our core purpose is to save our clients money each and every year. This was the purpose that P2B was set up originally and whilst our longer established clients cite reasons such as time saving and convenience having P2B manage their supplies we never forget our purpose of saving our clients money.

Mission Statement

P2B’s mission is to be recognised by our existing and new clients as the best source of energy procurement consultancy available to them. We will do this by providing open, honest and transparent advice that is focused on their needs. We will manage their energy procurement to ensure they receive the best financial result possible whilst ensuring that the time input by them for us to carry out our activities is at the minimum.

Quick Contact

If you would like further information please get in touch. We will endeavour to reply within the next 2 hours.

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T: 02871 878545
F: 02871 878745
M: 07810 837378
E: garethstrain@p2bgroup.com